Business card design with exemplary data.
The stationery with exemplary data.
The sign is designed in three different forms, in order to perform clearly in different dimensions. Whether there's a need for the smaller size of a logo to use, we can switch to the more simplified form, to maintain clarity of an image.
Project contains of three different versions due to the sizes and a three different sets according to the type of background needed for the usage of a sign. It gives a total of 9 templates, providing the wide range of possible applications.
* Positive, presented on the white background, where only black figures are opaque;
* Negative, constructed for the black and dark backgrounds and where only whites are opaque
* The full coloured black&white sign, which has been designed as a complementary version for the special usage.
*Each of these can be transferred into the needed colour with a simple set of a couple of clicks.