My motto is to deliver efficient design for creative brands.
Graphic Design || Book Design || Visual Identity || Visual Materials Production || Project Management
Projektowanie Graficzne || Projektowanie książek i publikacji || Skład, łamanie, projektowanie okładek || Projektowanie Identyfikacji Wizualnych || Produkcja Materiałów Wizualnych || Project Management
As a graphic designer I have worked with business, start-ups, culture and individual clients since 2008 building visual communications, advising on strategy, art directing, managing projects, delivering variety of design assets for companies and physical & digital product.
Some of whom I have worked with were: Aquael, Comfy, Aquael Zoo, the National Museum in Warsaw, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Warsaw Biennial, Warexpo, AMS, the Public Art School in Warsaw, the Science Publishing House of the Cardinal Wyszynski's University, the Polish Olympic Committe.
My design process is based on analysis, research and with a business goals and market competition in mind.
I am a graduate of the W. Gerson's Public Art School in Warsaw, year 2010. I received the masters degree with honours in 2016, at the Graphic Design and Printmaking Faculty at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. My graduation diploma contained of the Book Design specialization project and the thesis over the neurocognitive mechanisms conditioning the ability to learn seeing, and it's influence on the creative process.
I am the graduate of the Brand Design Class at the L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique in France, where I have studied in 2014.
Since 2017 I have co-organised the Polish Graphic Design Awards and Polish Graphic Design Talks Conference. I also taught Graphic Design as the leading specialization, and Multimedia Design at the Public Arts School of W. Gerson in Warsaw between 2017 and 2020.
In 2020 I had an honour to be the speaker at the international conference In/Visible: Design of Social Experiences with the lecture "Seeing as an ability – how invisible becomes visible", as well as at the Art 6. Festival with the lecture and workshops "Artists as an entrepreneur" dedicated for teenagers, students and artists at the beginning of their art careers.
Since the beginning of 2021 I have been working with the Da Vinci Foundation, teaching talented children from the disturbed upbringing environments art, photography, design, and creative thinking.
Currently I am an independent graphic designer and design educator.
Would you like to create a branding, packaging or book design project together?
Reach me out via e-mail, phone or social media.